Telegenetic Monthly EzineMP4 and 3.0 USB Memory Sticks (Any GB Size)Depending on demand Pantiesism will have MP4 versions,which are more suited for cell phones, iphones etc of our downloads, upon request. Also we will formulate memory sticks which can contain about 8 - 9 DVD. Write for further information. Email New Release157 clips - from 6 to 60 minutes. See our Clips4sale widget Clips4Sale WidgetFollow Pantiesism at Twitter Pantiesism Google Page Rank (PR) |
Panty and Upskirt Tease DVD and Downloads
"Pantiesism, Nostalgic and Panty Lez DVD Full download" showcase 139 tease talk and upskirt panty tease Reduced Prices - Downloads only $1.00 USA each. No upper limit, but MUST buy at least 20 downloads to get this price per download, includes Free 2 hour sampler download. |
Almost all DVD are now reduced to $10 USA each plus packing and postage, to also reflect our slashed prices on the downloads. You MUST buy 5 or more DVD to get these prices! Also our discount system applies after $40 USA, and gets progressively larger as your order more DVD. "The Wet Series" DVD have been reduced to $15 USA each. Usually these are two hours to three hours, and require a 8GB blank DVD.
"Countryside Series" - Nostalgic DVD Innocent upskirt panty tease
"Out In the Countryside" - Nostalgic DVD Innocent upskirt panty tease
"Upskirt Panty/Pussy" - Nostalgic DVD Upskirt panty tease and masturbation
"The Warm A** Wet C**T Series" - Nostalgic DVD A smorgasbord of lustful women
"Secret Series" - Nostalgic DVD A secret dialogue between model and dvdographer, where these productions usually have a music sound track
"Panty Lez DVD" - Panty Lez DVD Ladies getting into each others' panty and pussy
"Pantiesism DVD" - Pantiesism DVD Ladies in pretty panties; sexy talk, eye contact and tease
"Pantiesism DVD" - Compilation DVD - Selected extracts from Nostalgic - Panty Lez - Pantiesism DVD
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Pantiesism SamplersAll our downloads have sampler clips. Please go to download or dvd review pages to see samplers of our productions. SuzyMore DVD of Suzy will be released over the next 3 months. |